SiteFusion in action
Structure and creativity.
In the production of specialist journals, we consistently rely on a XML-first workflow with SiteFusion. The content is captured initially or by copy & paste directly from Word in the XML editor. A PDF is generated at the touch of a button. This is done by Adobe InDesign server and a combination of intelligent scripts and transformations. The finishing touch is done directly by the layouter/typesetter in InDesign.
In order to maintain the media-neutral format of the content as long as possible in the process, we have developed a layout editor within the SiteFusion journal solution that gives the SiteFusion users the ability to visually place elements such as images, tables or boxes and ad hoc generate a preview.
In interaction with our page planning module, in which the sheets to be printed and page templates are selected and the advertisements are placed, SiteFusion is an excellent solution for an efficient and modern style of journal producing. In addition, thanks to the media-neutral management of content, publishing in portals and apps is possible at any time.
Customers in the field of magazines include:
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